5 things we’ve kept from the ‘90s

Oh, how we loved poking fun at the ‘80s! But when the things we hated most about them were brought back by American Apparel and possibly Marc Jacobs, old was new again. So I’m convinced that we’ll come to a similar conclusion about the ‘90s because they really weren’t so bad, and, if we want to get all sentimental about it, they helped us build the new millennium. Plus, good or bad, we actually held on to some ‘90s stuff. Here’s proof.

1. The a-ha! ending

What do The Usual Suspects, Fight Club and The Sixth Sense have in common? An unexpected, what the?, second-viewing-required ending. If anything, these movies improved the suspense genre. Alfred Hitchcock was a strong enough storyteller to tell you who the killer was right away and make you itch in discomfort until they got caught. But replicating that experience has been a challenge. And then writers realized they just had to be more clever to build a better mystery. The best example is probably Memento, but the tradition carries on with pictures like The Machinist and Shutter Island.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

2. Here, queer & (getting) used to it

There’s nothing pretty about it: right up until the ’90s, gay and lesbian characters in movies or novels were often crazy, obsessed with the object of their affection, and/or just plain evil. AIDS gave people one more thing to blame on homosexuality, but when hetero women started contracting the disease, we couldn’t generalize these things any longer. That’s when we had to acknowledge the LGBT community, its budding voice and its rights. Then, on the heels of pop artist Keith Haring’s death, Madonna went into public service. She commented on religiously-backed bigotry and sexism in “Like a Prayer,” encouraged women to demand an orgasm in “Express Yourself,” celebrated/stole a gay club dance trend with “Vogue,” and hired mostly queer dancers for her Blond Ambition tour, as documented in Truth or Dare. That’s how the ‘90s started, and those sensibilities about the LGBT community remained in our consciousness. Though homophobia is still present and marring equality to the tune of Proposition 8, it didn’t quell Ellen’s eventual coming-out or the popularity of Will & Grace and The L Word. Today, we’ve replaced the term “lifestyle choice” with “orientation” (but we could still do better), and more people accept that sexuality, in all its forms, is biologically assigned. Maybe it’s because we dealt with so many LGBT issues in the ‘90s and part of the 2Ks that Lady Gaga’s butch-on-girl kiss in “Telephone” is a relative non-issue now.  Certainly compared to how people reacted to “Justify my Love” in 1991. There’s still a whole lot of progress to be made. But we’re lightyears away from 1989, thank goodness.

3. Political correctness

Having hoorayed for gays, it must be said that the ‘90s also introduced a whole slew of new terms to replace old words that were borne of racism, chauvinism and general power structures that no longer reflected our new equal & empowered reality. I’m not saying it was a bad thing, and I couldn’t because I’m a woman. I personally benefitted from these changes. Still, the double-edged sword of political correctness is that it essentially masks old views instead of replacing them. A word can alter your language about an issue, and that’s certainly important. But it takes conviction – not just vocabulary – to create a revolution. That’s why words like “tolerance” have always irked me. It means putting up with something you don’t like, when, especially in the case of discrimination, it’s the dislike that needs to change.

4. “I’ve never been to me”

This is probably one of my least favourite ‘90s hangers-on, but it’s so popular that I have to address it. From John Gray to Alanis Morissette, if there’s one thing the ‘90s taught us, it’s that people in the westernized world have the luxury of spending a lot of time on their own problems. Enter Self-Help, which has its own bookstore section, right in between “Psychology” and “Cooking.” It taught us phrases like “scarred for life” and “you can’t love others until you love yourself.” Since the ‘90s, this trend has gotten bigger and, I would argue, more dangerous. Case in point: The Secret is still riding high on Oprah’s endorsement, and it teaches little more than you will get rich just by sitting on your ass and thinking positive thoughts. Why? Because the universe owes you. Which is exactly like saying that children toiling in sweat shops could change their fate if only they thought of bunnies and flowers instead of, you know, eating.

5. The Internet

Okay, so the Internet, as a technology, has actually been around since the ‘60s, but it wasn’t used by the public until 1991, and it only became commercialized and widespread in the mid-‘90s. If Twitter’s taught us anything, it’s that the way people interact with your invention is often more important than the invention itself. Although the Internet has all but replaced the library, abbreviated your TV and usurped the Associated Press, its most considerable achievement, I believe, was to make Playboy kind of soft core.

Laugh if you will, but back in the day, this machine was the shizzle.

Coming up: things the ‘90s can bloody well keep to themselves!


  1. I was 6 in 1990 so I was 16 in 2000. This article made me realize I longed for “working internet” “screamo” and well written movies. I do believe 2010 (26) pretty much brings that. Who thought I’d be broke?Great article! @BenRacicot

  2. Brilliant line of thought! I am a child of the 60s, but the 90s was by far my favorite decade. There was so much social change, but without the level of previous generations’ prejudice to muck up the waters.

    I too have seen a great deal less change this past decade, but I believe the Internet is responsible for that; it has made it nearly impossible for us to be truly surprised anymore, IMO. Indoctrination on practically any level is now nearly instantaneous, particularly among our youth. Opinions can be assumed based merely on a tweet or a blog post. In one sense, it’s wonderful, but at the same time, terrifying.

    1. True that. All of that.

      Progress is a beautiful thing, but it’s also frightening. And today, progress happens at such an astonishing speed, it’s difficult to keep up. Especially if you’re from a generation that likes to take a moment to read things. 😉

  3. Number 3 there is a tough one. I am all for tolerance, since there is no way we’re all going to be completely fine with everyone else’s quirks. Realistically, it’s just not going to happen. Learning to live with stuff you dislike is essential for survival. You do have a right to be annoyed as hell with people, but you don’t necessarily don’t have the right to show it in any way.
    I also think that since we think in language, changing it has a huge impact on our thinking over time, it’s not just cosmetics. It’s silly and annoying to those it’s fist imposed on, but the next generation incorporates it as normal and attitudes slowly change.

    1. Some really good points, there, Anna. I admit that changing the language is a good step. An important one, in fact. And when you’re looking at younger generations, that new & improved language trains their perception of the world. So yeah, I can’t argue that.

      I guess I just wish that a world like “tolerance” at least implied the belief that even if someone doesn’t like someone else, they honestly believe “someone else” has as much right to the same privileges as they do. But it doesn’t. I wish we could do one better, you know? Until then, I’ll tolerate tolerance 😉

      1. Yes, I wish everybody would just get with the program right now and develop some basic common sense and decency! Aim for the stars and all that 😉

        (damn, I really am cynical today, sorry)

  4. I LOVE this list and think it is BRILLIANT! THANK YOU for creating it : ) I think you may, perhaps, be a little misguided, however, in interpreting #4. The truth is that it IS essential to have a clean, clear (healed) self before one is truly able to, effectively, extend out to the world. It’s an effective stance in life to figure out who YOU are. (Far more effective than trying, desperately, to figure out how to conform to what others expect you to be, which is, was, and remains to be, the current American Way.)

    The rub, in the self-help culture is the fine line between narcissism and self-responsibility.

    I (personally and professionally) vote for the latter. The self-help movement was not only brilliant, it was necessary. We have to get conscious of what we think and feel (and thereby, create) if we are to create a better world (micro to macro). The Secret is teaching this but needs MUCH better scripting to convey the full message, which is ..

    CONTROL your thinking/feeling, rather than allowing it to, haphazardly, control you.

    I think the way they constructed their message was with the intention of appealing to the masses which, in my humble opinion, was a mistake. Still, it never said, “Sit on your ass and think positive thoughts.” It didn’t say this at all, actually. It said ..

    “What ARE you thinking? Get conscious of it as best you can because there is great power in what you think and feel.”

    Action seems to be all our society values. The self-help movement re-introduced self-responsibility and consciousness of feeling and thought to us. You ‘had to’ include this because it is fundamental to personal, and from there, global, success.

    Thanks! Kate

    1. You contribute some thoughtful insights, Kate. Thank you for taking the time to share them.

      I’ll admit that I thought #4 might stir the pot a bit. Personally, I’ve seen The Secret do some terrible things to otherwise intelligent minds. I’m glad you haven’t interpreted the message of The Secret to enable self-indulgence and laziness, and I only wish more people had interpreted it in the same way. But I’ve seen this particular phenomenon – though this doesn’t apply to all self-help – make people somehow less responsible. It’s as though they believe that the universe will take care of it for them if they just believe that it can. And while I’m all for “thinking” positive, I think “doing” positive garners much better results for yourself and those around you. I’m not saying that we should all embark on a complex humanitarian mission. I’m really just talking about everyday stuff.

      That said, lately, I’ve been most inspired by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, and she addresses this idea of controlling your thoughts very well. Her message explicitly inserts the notion of self-responsibility, and that’s something I can definitely get behind.


    2. I also want to add this, regarding the “we can’t love others until we love ourselves” bit. A friend of mine, who’s an incredibly thoughtful, progressive minister, once wrote this to me as a comment about a similar topic.

      “You cannot love yourself until you have learned to love others. You can be totally self-absorbed, sure. You can moon over yourself in ways that would make Narcissus blush. But until you’ve learned to feel another’s pain or rejoice in another’s happiness in the same way you would your own, you don’t know what love is.”

      It’s strong and dogmatic, but I like it.

  5. Thanks @ebertchicago for introducing his (me) Twitter followers to your “Livvy Jams” Blog – I really enjoyed this post and wanted to say it is always refreshing when people actually “SAY Something” worth reading when they Blog, enjoyed it! #WellSaid.

    1. Thank you, Neathen. I’m glad you enjoyed the blog 🙂 I’m really touched by all this love and appreciation!

    2. He’s RTd me before, but this one’s had more impact than the last. And you’re right! Ebert has Internet power. Awesome, super-duper Internet power.

  6. My kudos to Roger, as well .. the day I stopped following Deepak and started following him was a great one : )

    And I LOVE Jill Bolte Taylor, speaking of brilliant and meta-helpful presenters.

    Now .. re: loving, be it ourselves or others. I would like to propose Loving as a generic thing .. others, self, whatever. Find a vibration of LOVE and the world will be a much better place for you and everyone you encounter. I’m grateful to have found all you warm, intelligent souls here!

  7. Enjoyed the read. I have no problem with number four, like the other readers. I think that the constant chanting of the “I’m special” mantra has been a bad thing. I believe in the long-term, it causes people’s lives to be worse when they have to come to terms with the highly-likely possibility that they really aren’t all that special. In some ways, I also blame the internet for this. The globalization of culture makes someone who might be a success in their own little pond over-looked because there is someone who writes better, sings better, or any other talent -available a click away.

    I, on the other hand, think the whole PC thing has been taken way too far. We can keep making things more and more confusing for those who aren’t racist, but those who are racist don’t care. For example, first there was the “n-word” which was used by racists, then there was negro which was used by people who were not racist (but when racists said it, it still sounded hateful), then there was colored (which the NAACP still uses, but so do racists), then there was black, and now it’s African-American. African-American makes sense if one was born in Kenya and immigrated but makes no sense if your ancestors have been in the U.S.A. for 2oo years. American should work fine on it’s own. You mentioned how the actual dislike needs to change and I agree. That is why none of the changes made ever really work if people are still racists. Polishing a turd, as they say.

    As for tolerance, I’m totally fine with tolerance. There is nothing (so far) that has been said of any particular religion that I haven’t thought was a load of b.s. Can I make myself like these ideologies? I don’t know, and I kind of doubt it.

    But can I tolerate other’s beliefs? You bet.

    1. Compelling points all, Benoch. Thank you 🙂

      And I may have to rethink my stance on “tolerance.” As I say, my disdain for tolerance is more about me wishing we could do better than tolerance. But that doesn’t mean I don’t practice it myself. However, in the case of religion, not agreeing with an ideology, I feel, doesn’t have to be tantamount to disliking it. For me, it works more like a, “heh, that doesn’t work for me” but it’s not necessarily a, “therefore it shouldn’t exist, but oh well, the law says I have to let it.” Know what I mean?

      Anyhow, in all this, I’m glad the comments are making me think and rethink. Very good insights here today.

  8. I loved the Self-Improvement trend. I’ve been reading that kind of books for fun but have to say that some of them have done more for my success and well-being than my college and grad school combined.

  9. Stumbled upon your blog and reading this first post I came across makes me want to read more, more, more! Awesome list 🙂 Love the section on “Political Correctness”. I find it interesting that there are so many words that are now “incorrect”, while there are so many more that have come full circle, and while they’re used for insults, are still deemed “okay” in the correctness game. Words like moron, idiot and imbecile were all psychological words used to describe those with lower IQ’s…interesting that now they’re just mean, rather than truly insulting!

    1. Hi there Bad Kid’s Grammar. Thanks for the comments. I feel the same way about political correctness. As I say, it’s necessary for us to evolve out of prejudice and discrimination, but it’s also a bit of a gloss-over. But the comments on this issue so far have made me want to rethink my stance. My questions now are, when is it good for our evolution, and when is it bad for our memory?

  10. Wow, I loved this list! I thought it was really well done. The one that I found most intriguing was the acceptance of the LGBT community. While there has been at least some social stigma removed from being homosexual, it’s still hard for a person to be openly gay. Even those that are gay tend to have a difficult time being accepted unless they are ridiculously confident, which is hard to do in this society.

    One of my gay friends sent around a very interesting image of states that allow gay marriages versus states that allow marriages between first cousins. Apparently, it is more accepted to marry your cousin than it is to marry someone of the same sex. Which made me wonder, what if you wanted to marry your same sex cousin? What would they do then?

    1. Thanks for commenting, Binny 922. Of course, I would never suggest that the LGBT community doesn’t still face struggles. It absolutely boggles my mind that this same-sex “marriage” issue is actually an issue. It’s a basic human right. I don’t understand how there can be so much resistance to it. And that’s just in North America! My point with #2 wasn’t that the LGBT community is fully accepted, but rather than we are, as a society, in a place where we can actually have a discussion about same-sex marriage. In the 1980s, being gay was still considered a psychological disorder; something that needed to be “cured.” We’re lightyears ahead of that. Today, homophobia is discouraged verbally, and condemned legally. We can discuss LGBT rights openly and without fear. And more and more teenagers come out at a younger age (if I compare this to any of my friends, who would never have considered coming out in high school…like, ever!) There’s still a long way to go, but we’ve also come a long way. Can full-on acceptance be far behind?

    2. Of course, Obama should stop being such a wimp and get behind same-sex marriage already. That would shut the red, first-cousin states up!

  11. Okay, and because this is such an intelligent and respectable forum, may I just say one more thing? Pretty please?

    You wrote, “The Secret is still riding high on Oprah’s endorsement, and it teaches little more than you will get rich just by sitting on your ass and thinking positive thoughts. Why? Because the universe owes you. Which is exactly like saying that children toiling in sweat shops could change their fate if only they thought of bunnies and flowers instead of, you know, eating.”

    I’m almost certain that nowhere in The Secret, or anywhere in the self-help movement, does it say “The universe owes you.” Most of the books and workshops are teaching SELF-RESPONSIBILITY and SELF-AWARENESS, (which, nowhere, says, self-entitlement). Without self-awareness there can’t even BE self-responsibility but both are necessary for the predominance of selfishness in our culture to have any hope of melting away. Since religion and media took over, we have been somewhat forced (except for the ‘somewhat’ part) to override our own internal guidance systems, which is where the REAL inspiration happens. It is ESSENTIAL that we return to Internal Listening if we want our world be become a ‘better’ place. No one can know your truth better than you. It is essential that each individual tune in and get acquainted with their own inner voice .. their own guidance.

    It’s not that the we think The Universe Owes Us .. oh no .. it’s that the Law of Attraction is there for our (really fun and amazing) use. And believe it or not, the answer is YES .. if those kids in the sweat shops were coached and able (not that they get the opportunities to learn this stuff, which is a different story) to imagine a much better life .. and, literally, imagined this sort of thing with consistency, you would be AMAZED by the opportunities that could/would pop into their lives. That’s just the way it works! No one is excluded from it’s power.

    My inspiration for sharing this perspective is that this is a FABULOUS and NECESSARY TOOL (LOA) for people to know about so that they may utilize it for the furthering of their (and everyone around them’s) life purposes. Just because The Secret was poorly written doesn’t mean the whole concept should get thrown under the bus!

    Self Help is intended to pull us away from mass consciousness decision making and put us back in touch with our own internal guidance systems. And Law of Attraction is just one of the gifts of the Universe to help us further and be furthered : )

    I’ll stop now : D

    I love all the comments and appreciations of this article .. it’s some really GREAT stuff, Livvy.

    1. Hi again, Kate! I really appreciate your contribution to this discussion. Even if I can’t agree on all points, it doesn’t matter. I’m enjoying the discussion 😉

      The Secret may not explicitly say, verbatim, that “the universe owes you.” I’m paraphrasing, and here’s why. The law of attraction’s “ask and ye shall receive” M.O. implies a structure wherein the universe has to give you what you want, simply because you asked for it. So, if we apply this theory, the universe’s role is reduced to that of a Pez dispenser. Please excuse my cheekiness here. I know I’m stretching it, but bear with me.

      I have a really, really, really hard time believing that children in sweat shops don’t imagine a better future for themselves at all or ever. I’m sure they do. I can’t believe that they don’t have a concept of improvement. After all, they have bosses, and they know that their bosses have things that they don’t. I do believe, however, that the opportunity for a better life is something that is systematically withheld from them. And you hit the nail on the head: “not that they get the opportunities to learn this stuff.” They don’t get the opportunity because a small portion of the world is directly responsible for foreign trade policies that allow them to outsource manufacturing contracts in places that pay their workers peanuts, and that don’t have child labour laws. In other words, the power lays in the hands of those decision-makers. And while citizens in the westernized world have plenty of opportunities to influence their decision-makers, we hardly use them. To say that those children don’t use the power of the universe, I think, belittles their experience. They’re living wholly responsibly because they only punch the clock to support their families in the only way that’s available to them. Some of these kids come from religious families that are Catholic, Buddhist or Hindu, for example. So we can’t accuse them of having no concept of spirituality or the universe. I’m sure they ask for a better life (and believe they deserve it) every single day, and the reason they don’t have access to it is not their fault. If their requests are overlooked by the universe, it’s not because the universe is unjust; it’s because the request is ignored by the people who are responsible for and have the power to change their situation.

      We are all, as human beings, responsible for our own lives and for the lives of others. I’d love, for one second, to hear a discourse that leaves God or the universe or a higher power out of it and that leaves us to our own devices to solve important problems. Because at the end of the day, we have to compel ourselves to make change. We have to put a checkmark in the right place on voting ballots. We have to put pressure on our MPs or congressmen. We have to get out of the house and make things happen. And you don’t have to ask anyone – not the universe or God or any higher power – to do that. You just need to get up off of that chair.

      As for self-help and finding your own personal truth, the fact of the matter is, any truth you find is at least partially borrowed from some outside source and then repackaged to suit your own needs. Nobody’s an original, and we don’t come up with original ideas without the influence of things that are outside of us. We each have a completely unique way of interpreting the reality around us and the truth within us, but we exist within a context; not on its edge. And while you can decide to stray from mainstream media consciousness or organized religion or what have you, something has to plant that “straying” seed in your head. You might be responsible for biting, but that thing that planted the seed is probably rooted outside of you. We can’t underestimate the sheer volume of ideas that are available to us. We process some of them much more quickly than others, so sometimes it’s difficult to find the source. But any one idea is a conglomerate of many ideas, and some of them are probably not yours. If we apply this to invention, the invention of the wheel could not have occurred without there being a need for it. And that need was an outside, collective, contextual thing.

      Even going against the grain is a type of conformity, because then you’re conforming to your own construct of whatever “against the grain” means to you. I know people like that, and they’re just as careful about going against the grain as the people they accuse of conforming.

      Please don’t think of any of this as an attack. I just have a lot of conviction in this regard. But you do too, and I can dig that. I don’t like The Secret, and I think that’s understood. But I’ll never judge anyone for being all about The Secret, so long as they don’t judge me for not being into it. 😉

  12. I do not feel attacked in the least Livvy Lou .. it is clear to me that you are a thoughtful wanter of goodness and integrity everywhere and I am in total appreciation of you for this positive and informative forum : )

    There are 2 things that I feel need addressing in this spirited discussion.

    [1] “Ask and ye shall receive is VERY different from “The Universe owes you.” The Universe RESPONDS to your vibration .. that’s it. It doesn’t take requests and fulfill them just because you asked, but, rather, responds to what you are “putting out there.” So, for example, if you are putting out the vibe that people ‘wrong’ you, you will find yourself being wronged with greater frequency than someone who, say, carries a vibration of peace and well-being, who will attract more peaceful interactions. And it is far from easy, even in its simplicity. The LOA people will say with consistency that it is not easy to bring one’s vibration to a place of peacefulness when you are focused on all the static that is ‘out there’ .. what they suggest, though, is to align yourself with peacefulness (abundance, love, whatever) and you will find much more of that in your life. IT IS AN IMPORTANT TOOL FOR ALL OF US TO KNOW WE HAVE DURING THIS TIME OF TREMENDOUS TRANSITION : ) Perhaps it’s the confusion over the definition of “asking” that we are debating. What the LOA considers ‘asking’ has nothing to do with words (like “I want more money!”) .. by ‘Ask” they mean, Align your vibration with what it FEELS LIKE TO ALREADY HAVE WHAT IT IS YOU SAY YOU ARE WANTING. This, and only this, is what they mean by ASK .. and no one lazing around on their couches is doing this, I can almost guarantee. I’m just saying that yes, The Secret may not have made its message clear enough (though I know countless people who have benefited GREATLY from it), but by throwing the baby out with the bathwater, you do yourself and your readers a huge disservice.

    Most of the kids in the sweatshops have too much forced focus on lack to be able to get themselves to a vibration of abundance for long enough to create the positive attraction. I guarantee you, though, that if they knew how to simply lose themselves in reveries of a better life and BELIEVE IT IS POSSIBLE, things would come into their experience that would bring them to a better life. It can’t not work. It’s physics. It’s real. And it totally works when you do it in the way it was created to work.

    [2] It is impossible to have this sort of discussion and leave the concept of Source Energy (God, the Universe, etc) out because, frankly, we, as humans, are limited by sheer nature of the space suit (body and accompanying limitations of perception) itself. There are 4 undeniable realms in which we must richly familiarize ourselves .. Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. Leaving any one of them out will cause certain imbalance. External cannot be respectfully addressed without addressing internal with equal respect .. something our society has yet to fully understand or embrace.

    I am a total believer in the crucial focus on action WE MUST TAKE to make things better in our world. I also fully believe that attuning and responding to one’s inner voice is of the utmost essence if we are going to grow as a species, let alone thrive on this planet.

    It’s sort of like soup and sandwich .. you can’t have one without the other : )

    1. I think we’re asking a lot out of sweatshop kids. Aren’t they doing enough? Why does simply wishing for a better life have to get so technical? I mean, for them to even believe that a better life is possible, in the sense that you mean, they would need a bit of outside help, don’t you think? If they’re helpless, it’s because people aren’t helping them. And I have to question a universe that sees this and doesn’t transform it. Is the universe that choosy? And why only hear the calls of those who can afford it, or are in a situation that allows them to be able to visualize it properly? My whole argument about the trouble with self-help is that it’s a luxury that only a few people can afford. You have to be living in a situation where wealth is abundant to begin with – like any westernized country – to lose yourself in that sort of reverie. I’m not sure this is a feasible solution for these kids. Not everybody is created equal. Not everybody has access to the same tools – be they physical, mental or material – to help themselves.

      As for #2, when the earthquake hit Haiti, Haitians made it clear: they needed money, not our prayers. In most crisis situations, that’s what people need: action. Whether or not your action is motivated by spirituality is irrelevant, so long as the result is the same.

      I understand your stance, but I’m not convinced. And it sounds like you could probably say the same. I think we’ll have to respectfully agree to disagree on this one. 🙂

      1. Who…me? Nahhh… *LOL*

        I’m just enjoying learning more about who you are and how you think. It’s an interesting subject, and I’m pretty sure you didn’t expect to get this big a response. But it’s pretty impressive to see how you’re handling it.


      2. I will say however that while I’m all in favor of the power of positive thinking, being at the right place, at the right time, and most importantly, of the right race, makes the probability of being whom you want to become a helluva lot greater. Cultural and socio-economic barriers, while less in the western world than they used to be, still exist, and maintain a stranglehold on those in their grip.

        My opinion, as is Livvy’s is that the LOA model works a lot better in our neck of the woods than it does in the third world. That’s just the reality of things, and not necessarily a condemnation of it as a concept.

  13. Ha ha .. I say fair enough to BOTH of you .. that said, what is undeniably true is that the Law of Attraction, as with every Universal Law, works the same regardless of location, race, socio-economic status, situation, or even sexual preference ; )

    And meanwhile, what you two are arguing is ALSO absolutely true .. that access to the teachers that will expose you to how it works is VERY limited to the ones who have the luxury of, at the very least, finding them.

    Thanks again for the fun debate : )

  14. I just want to emphatically add that The Secret cannot be considered the ‘speaker’ for Law of Attraction as it is very far from it. The LOA doesn’t overlook the request of ANYONE .. ever. It simply can’t.

    I look GREATLY forward to a blog of yours, someday, on the cutting edge stuff Abraham (and Esther Hicks) is teaching about LOA .. and all your other blogs as well, Livvy : )

  15. It still floors me to recall that when I was attending college from 1990 to 1994 in Nashville, the only internet access we had was in the “computer lab” in the library… and it was dial-up. NO ONE had it in their dorm or apartment. Similarly, the only people I knew who had “mobile phones” had the corded ones in their car. How did we live without either one of these things? I can’t remember. Now I have three kids in the second grade. What inventions and technologies will have a similar impact on our world between now and the time they graduate from college? I can’t wait to find out!

    1. I hear that! My first experience with the Internet was in college (1994). We had to take turns on these computers that were attached to tables. If we got on the hacker’s good side, he could get us to secretly join chatrooms. But the extent of it was e-mail and chatting, and the interface had all the grace and prestige of DOS.

      My guess is, your kids are going to live in a Mac world. 😉

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